Blogi Holiday! We filmed how I'm going to exercise everyday with Föri, on last Wednesday. Some closer…Pekka Hyysalo19.6.2016
Blogi A way – My way There are many ways to treat a brain injury and I'm not the person, who's…Pekka Hyysalo12.6.2016
Blogi LOVE Your Brain Kevin Pearce has been a huge inspiration for me after my injury. This is just…Pekka Hyysalo8.6.2016
Blogi Science is unbelievable! My dear friend linked me an article about an amazing breakthrough at Stanford University. They have been able…Pekka Hyysalo7.6.2016
Blogi Tivoli! Mielestäni otsikko "Tivoli!" kuvaa koko tämänhetkistä elämäntilannettani melko hyvin. Myönnän kuitenkin sen, että eilinen vierailuni…Pekka Hyysalo6.5.2016
Blogi My message I have been trying to search for myself for years now. My life almost came…Pekka Hyysalo28.4.2016