This is my first English post for a while. It's mainly because, even though I…
Pekka Hyysalo14.8.2020

I'm an experiemental TBI patient. I want to rehabilitate myself so badly, that I'm ready…
Pekka Hyysalo30.7.2019

The best traumatic brain injury rehabilitation for any patient is always unique. I have been…
Pekka Hyysalo26.7.2019

Almost exactly nine years ago I suffered a very severe traumatic brain injury. I've been…
Pekka Hyysalo15.4.2019

https://youtu.be/drVdsuF0nc4 I didn't enjoy the feeling of Pitching from under the ice. I do not…
Pekka Hyysalo15.3.2019
I have been working with the fight back of my own since April 28th 2010.…
Pekka Hyysalo2.3.2019

My life rocks. I have had numerous challenges during the past almost nine years. This…
Pekka Hyysalo26.2.2019

In last four days I've been swimming trice in Aurajoki. Yes, I know it's February…
Pekka Hyysalo3.2.2019