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Holiday from the holiday!

My past month hasn’t really been so hectic, or even that crazy… The last month was really rough. It was filled with rehabilitating myself with Vasa Concept. I’m used to rehabilitating myself at least five days a week anyways, so the rehab couldn’t have been the rough part.

I invited Dr. Rajul Vasa, the genius behind the Vasa Concept, to Finland, to be able to gain the benefits of her expertise in first hand. Not only for me myself, she also went to Savonlinna to hold a worksop for Terapiakeskus Puro. I joined the Savonlinna workshop with my girlfriend on 18th of July and it was great. My ultimate goal, since I noticed that the Vasa Concept is helping me, has been to spread it as widely, as possible. Firstly all over Finland, secondly all over World.

Savonlinna workshop was really good. What Turku lacked in space or equipment, was really taken care of.

The Savonlinna workshop was really good. What Turku lacked in space or equipment, was really taken care of.

I started working with my hands in Savonlinna, especially my left hand needs a lot of work.

I started working with my hands in Savonlinna, especially my left upper limb needs a lot of work.


In Savonlinna they had almost everything handled very well. Rajul just loved it. I got a little ill there, myself, and returned home for the Turku workshop a day beforehand. Arranging the workshop back home with all the responsibilities, arrangements, and you name it… was too much for me. My mother and a few extra hands helped me with everything, did almost all the work expect the rehab for me, but still. Rehabilitation was the actual purpose of this workshop, and in my opinion the rehab weeks were a success. All the other patients loved it, too. I learned a lot in all the new exercises I got and after Turku, we continued to Oulu, where Rajul had a weekend long Vasa Concept seminar.

This was Turku's rehab crew, in the first few days!

This was Turku’s rehab crew, in the first few days!

The FightBack space was full of action!

The FightBack space was full of action!

But there were emptier days, too. These were taken on one of them!

But there were emptier days, too. These were taken on one of them!

2016-08-04 17.06.48

The lecture by Dr. Vasa in Turku, happened on Thursday, 4.8.

The weekend was as successful, as you could dream, considering the timing and the holidays, I guess. Oulu is located a bit up north, but the people who shared the interest, were there. We arranged short lectures in Turku and Savonlinna, too, but this was a whole two day seminar! It was something really informative. If you are interested about physiotherapy, human brain’s cooperation with the body after a TBI or a stroke etc. you should have been there. There were some physiotherapists present and I truly believe that, the weekend was valuable for them. If you weren’t there, but are interested, go to, to find out what’s available in the internet.

We got a lovely top floor room from the Scandic Oulu.

Scandic provided us with a lovely accommodation again. 

Especially the view from the rooftop was super lovely!

Super lovely, I mean… Rooftop! Thank you Scandic Oulu. See you again in September! 😉

The lectures concentrated especially on everything in cerebellum part of the brain.

Vasa Concept is able to re-reorganize the brain via spine and the cerebellum.

I returned home on Monday and now, I’m going to get a break. This break means, that I don’t need to worry about anyone else’s rehab, just my own! I get to go back to my different kind of work, too! I had my first presentation of the fall last Friday morning, and I’ve gotta say, I love it!