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72 Hours!

By 30.7.20191 syyskuun, 2020No Comments

I’m an experiemental TBI patient. I want to rehabilitate myself so badly, that I’m ready to try almost anything. If no one tells me what I should do next, I’m going to figure something out. I have been trying out fasting for the last three days and now I think I’m going to break the fast. I’m not too hungry or anything, but since this is my first fasting experience, I guess that 72 hours is more than enough.

I enjoyed a bottle of soda a few hours ago in the Powau container, on Aura riverside. Now I can enjoy all good stuff as well! 😛

I haven’t really experienced anything so unusual compared to my intermediate fasting routine, in which I eat food inside of an eight hour window every day and fast the rest 16. These have been nice three days and I’m sincerely amazed myself! Years ago, I never thought I would be doing anything like this, and when I started fasting now, I never thought I’d really make it this far. 72 hours!

Now I’m going to break the fast carefully. I know that I’m a super lucky guy, because two of my favorite food brands are in cooperation with FightBack; Foodin and Powau. Their food is the best in many ways. One of those ways is their nutritionational value. I’m not sure what to say about this fasting thing, but I’ll tell you more later! I’ve had some positive sensations already, but I want to see the bigger picture before I’ll start boasting!